Machen Family Dentistry

What is Bruxism?

If you find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth at night or during the day, or if you wake up with a sore jaw, you may be experiencing Bruxism. This unfamiliar word simply means you are susceptible to involuntarily grinding your teeth, and it’s most common to occur at night. Machen Family Dentist has a simple solution for this bad habit. To stop this from occurring, Dr. Machen may recommend an appliance that can be worn during your sleep. Two different types of appliances she may recommend can both be worn with the same successful results – an NTI (Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition) or a Traditional Occlusal Guard.

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What does Bruxism Do?

This involuntary grinding causes a lot of damage to your teeth. You might not even noticed some of the damage that occurs. The following are common damages caused by Bruxism:

  • Cracked teeth

  • Grooved, flattened, worn down teeth

  • Chipped enamel

  • Loose teeth

  • Headaches

  • Earaches

  • TMJ disorder

What if Bruxism is Left Untreated?

Because many people clench or grind their teeth without knowing, lots of damage can happen before Bruxism is detected. If left untreated, you may experience jaw muscle and joint problems even a tooth loose. To make sure no damage is left unnoticed for long periods of time, Dr. Machen recommends a complete exam every six months.

If you have noticed any of the symptoms listed above or think you might be affected by Bruxism, contact Machen Family Dentistry as soon as possible to get prevent any further damage to your teeth.

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