Home Care

Simple & Easy Steps for a Clean, Healthy Mouth


1. Brush your teeth thoroughly, twice a day for two minutes. You should angle the bristles of the toothbrush towards the gum line.

2. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Soft brushes help to prevent root exposure and tooth wear near the gum line. They also make it easier to remove plaque from below the gum line, where gum disease starts. You may also consider using an electric toothbrush for a very thorough but gentle clean.

3. Use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride strengthens the outer enamel layer of the teeth. It can stop the start of a cavity by remineralizing or re-hardening the enamel that has started to soften from prolonged exposure to plaque and bacteria.

4. Floss daily. Brushing alone, only removes 60% of plaque. Flossing removes the remaining 40% between the teeth and under the gums. Flossing helps to prevent cavities and gum disease.

5. Stay on top of your regular six-month cleaning schedule. Prevention of oral diseases including decay and gum disease starts with routine cleanings and exams. When caught early, oral diseases can often be prevented or treated with less invasive procedures. Regular cleanings also remove tartar, a hardened plaque substance that sticks to the teeth and houses plaque and bacteria. Brushing and flossing do not remove tartar and must be removed by a hygienist in order to maintain healthy gums and prevent gum disease.

6. Use a daily mouthwash. There are two different types of mouth wash; ones that contain fluoride to reduce decay risk or ones that kill the bacteria that cause gum disease. Ask your hygienist or dentist which rinse might be right for you.