Machen Family Dentistry

Restorative Procedures

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Fillings & Restorations (Composite & Amalgam)

After a cavity is cleaned out, your tooth is ready for a restorative filling. Fillings can be created from a metallic material like amalgam or an assortment of white composite materials.

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Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Most mouths are not large enough to fit wisdom teeth. By removing the wisdom teeth, the patient often feels more comfortable and has more room in their mouth for their other molars.

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Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is necessary when the nerve of the tooth becomes inflamed or diseased. During root canal treatment, the dentist or endodontist, removes the diseased nerve. The interior portion containing the nerve is then cleaned and sealed.

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Tooth Replacement Options: Dental Implants and Bridges

Dental implants are the most popular and effective way to replace missing teeth. Designed to blend in with your other teeth, they are an excellent long-term option for restoring your smile.

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Dental Crowns

Crowns are excellent restoration tools, especially if you need a long-term solution that blends in with the rest of your smile. Check out the types of materials and learn more about the crowns you can have placed at Machen Family Dentistry!

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Tooth Extractions

As an adult having a tooth extracted is hardly cause for celebration, but there is no need to worry. At Machen Family Dentistry we will work to keep you as comfortable as possible.

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Partial & Complete Dentures

A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Two types of dentures are available — complete and partial dentures.